Out Now, Lifestyle, Cover Issue

On The Cover: Dunk Natachai is no lost boy

On The Cover: Dunk Natachai is no lost boy

(On The Cover) Cover Coat, shirt, tie, Small Besace Strap Triomphe crossbody bag, all CELINE Homme

When a star is on the rise, its glow announces its entrance even before the skies dim and clouds part. “Dunk” Natachai Boonprasert’s beaming arrival in the entertainment scene beckons the attention of those both near and far, the high beam to follow prove that his boyish charm barely scratches the surface of the alluring and endearing luminary he is destined to become.

“What do you want to be when you grow up?” It is a question that everyone has probably been asked at least once, happening most often when there was no real need for a concrete answer.

Back then, the answer you gave was based purely on personality. The career choices could range from scientist to superstar, teacher to even the ever-so-ambiguous “rich person”. Back then, the sky was the limit so long as one dared to dream.

However, some kids are born more self-aware at an earlier age, and Natachai Boonprasert or Dunk — though he has only just turned 24 — seems to have made it a point to assert his maturity whenever he speaks, moves, or even bats an eyelash.

Jacket, pants, belt, all CELINE Homme

In another interview, the Thai native said he wanted to become an astronaut and then a pilot — the latter choice following in the footsteps of his grandfather. He went on to major in a related field, becoming an engineering undergraduate at King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology Ladkrabang, before GMMTV scouted him via a short film — a gig he only took at a senior’s recommendation.

Fast-forward to the present day — and he has since graduated school — becoming the beloved life force of Daonuea in Star and Sky: Star in my Mind and Zo in Hidden Agenda. He is also the beacon of light to an ever-growing legion of fans, who have managed to reveal how big of a sweetheart he is in real life. He never tires of championing them as his number one source of strength and solace whenever the chance to express gratitude and motivation is given.

His meteoric rise was bound to happen. Chancing upon one of his livestreams with fans, one will know why.

Why so many have fallen for him goes far beyond his modelesque physique and dashing looks, even though it is a fact that his appearance as his university’s mace bearer one time helped propel his Instagram followers from 500 to 10,000 overnight (it is currently in the millions). Not even an hour into this cover shoot, it was clear that Dunk’s celebrity status comes from an earnest place. Whatever sheepish meekness he brought on set was quickly displaced by a quiet persona that was oozing charisma, the star coming into his own just as every eager glance for approval was met with the encouragement of the same delight — passionate flame-fanning at its most effective.

Pants, Romy bag, all CELINE Homme

For Dunk, the commitment to a totally new look and styling for the Men’s Folio October 2024 cover was not a mere experiment in motion. It was a chance to break old moulds and discover new horizons. It is hard to believe that an entertainer’s career was never in Dunk’s cards, yet he still discovers many hidden talents every day. Perhaps this dip into the world of the performing arts as a young adult was what steadied the actor’s tread into stardom. But as one will now see, it could also very well be his destiny. Dunk is already carving a path of his own with equal amounts of resolve and will to risk, and it looks like he will only continue to do so while growing unabashedly in the daze and dare of his youth.

Hi Dunk! It is a pleasure to meet you. How have you been as of late?
I’m doing well, but I have been very busy filming The Heart Killers, which started immediately after Summer Night wrapped. Besides that, I’m enjoying every aspect of life and balancing work and social life.

You have just turned 24 — happy birthday! Are birthdays something you look forward to?
Birthdays are something I look forward to every year because to me, it’s a day to celebrate love, gifts and food. Growing up has never scared me. It makes me feel excited every year I grow up.

How does it feel to enter your mid-20s?
Honestly, it feels like time flies very fast. It’s a good idea to work hard on my goals, and whatever I want to achieve and do in life.

Jacket, pants, boots, all CELINE Homme

Is this birthday a big one for you? Or has there been another especially meaningful birthday?
Since entering the entertainment industry two years ago, my birthdays have gotten a whole lot more magical because of all my fans. It feels amazing when I celebrate my birthdays with all my loved ones.

What did you wish for when you blew out your birthday candles this year?
My wish was for everyone I love to stay with me for the longest time and always be happy. I also wished for the best for us and that we would achieve whatever we wanted in life.

Do you ever feel like you miss your teenage years?
Definitely, I low-key miss the days in high school when I got to meet my friends and play sports, doing our favourite hobbies every day.

Have the realities of adulting hit you yet?
I would say yes to a certain extent since it is now my turn to look after my family, pay the bills, and manage many other things at home. That being said, I still live with my parents right now.

Jacket, vest, shirt, pants, tie, boots, all CELINE Homme

That is understandable since you spent your early 20s in the spotlight.
Actually, it was just for the last two years since I entered the entertainment industry. Before that, I was just a kid who enjoyed sports, spending time with friends, family and engineering.

So, how has being part of the entertainment industry shaped you? Do you think you would be a different person otherwise?
I would definitely say that the entertainment industry improved my Thai reading and writing so much because I have to do homework with scripts every day.

I heard about the difficulties you faced in juggling your work and school — a time which you said was “the most challenging period of [your] life”. What helped you get through it?
My fans definitely helped me go through hard times, always. They always send me encouragement through social media and even in real life when we meet. There was a time when I had to film Star in My Mind and sit for my engineering finals simultaneously. I was very stressed, but many gave me their encouragement, and that gave me the willpower to do it.

I also heard that you have a pretty resilient and realistic attitude towards online comments. How do you keep such a positive mindset? And was there another challenge you faced in your career that you felt proud of overcoming?
I read online comments, and if they concern something I can improve, I will definitely take note and try to act on them to improve to the best of my ability. However, if it is some random hate comment with no context, I will just laugh and ignore it. I always feel proud whenever I can make a project happen, whether it be filming a series, a concert, singing, or dancing.

Cardigan, pants, tie (worn around the neck), all CELINE Homme

Growing pains are a big part of the plot for your first series Star and Sky: Star in my Mind. Was the story something you resonated with?
I don’t think I’ve really faced any big problems growing up, but I can definitely relate to and understand my character, Daonuea. It feels like I have to bring up my inner child whenever I have to portray Daonuea.

Star and Sky: Star in my Mind also marked your first lead role in a series. When you reflect on your acting and the experience back then, how do you feel about it?
I feel very happy because it’s one of my dreams to see myself on a screen, acting. I have never felt any regret towards what I did back then.

Your characters, Daonuea and Zo, are quite innocent in nature — something you also describe about yourself. As you grow up, do you think innocence is something you will grow out of it? Or do you hope to preserve it?
I would definitely try to preserve the innocence, but I want to know and learn more about people and social circles.

Besides innocence, how else do you think you are similar to Daonuea and Zo? Did you try to intentionally relate to these characters who to who you are naturally, or were the similarities coincidental?
It is understandable that there are similarities between me and those characters. These characters are very human, and their thoughts, feelings, and actions cane be related to real life.

Coat, vest, shirt, pants, hat, boots, tie, Boston bag, all CELINE Homme

If you could play a character whose personality is totally opposite to yours, what would this character be like? And why would you want to try playing this role?
I’ve always played characters who express their feelings by talking and sharing a lot. It would be interesting to play characters who are the opposite of that. For example, the character could express feelings more through the eyes instead of saying how the character feels. I would want to try playing the role because it seems interesting to me because the eyes can actually do most of the talking.

How does it feel to develop and grow your skills as an actor while still being in front of the camera? Is it something that motivates you to work harder?
It feels amazing whenever I make any improvements, whether big or small. My motivation is definitely my fans, because I believe they deserve my best in whatever they do. They have always worked so hard to come and see me, so some part of me always feels the need to return. I want to make everyone feel happy every time we meet.

Dunk means “famous” in Thai. Do you feel like your current place in the industry was fated for you?
I’m very grateful for everything that has happened and allowed me to reach this point in life. I will always be a glass half full and will work to do my best in every aspect of my life for all my fans.

Jacket, pants, all CELINE Homme

Given that you are frequently paired with Joong, do the two of you make an extra effort to work on your chemistry? Is there a specific example that comes to mind?
There was never a need to do any ice-breaking whatsoever when it came to our friendship. We just clicked the moment we met and got along very well. I think it also helps that I love talking to people.

What is something you hope to achieve next year?
I would love to be fully responsible for my family. My goal is to be able to cover every expense when it comes to them. One of my goals is to get anything my parents want since they raised me with so much love and care since I was young. I would also love to star in a movie and take on many interesting roles. Other than acting work, I would love to perform, dance, and sing in many events, shows, and concerts for all of my fans to see.

Photography Chee Wei

Creative Direction & Styling Izwan Abdullah

Production & Fashion Coordination Manfred Lu

Interview Vanessa Grace Ng

Grooming Tong Sutipat

Hair Kongkiat Krissakree

Set Design Yukon Boonprasart

Production & Styling Assistant Ratchada Tuptimphet

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